Latest on the lit front
Time for an update. I've expanded my editing services with the next logical step - mentoring. And I'm loving the way it enables me to a be a part of the whole journey with an author. Luckily for me, my wonderful mentee seems to be loving it too. (More details in this post.)
Still working on my current WIP. It's first draft, so I have no idea how it's hanging together, but so far so good (I think).
Also busy working with the writers' group and various other projects (see below) .
I know many of you are as yet unpublished.
Just as I know that many of you are talented writers who deserve to be published.
One way to get recognition for your words is to enter competitions.
In which case, you might be interested in the Brit Writers' Awards Unpublished 2010.

There are adult and child categories for novels, short stories, poems and songs with a whopping £10,000 prize.
There is a one-off admin fee of £10.95 and you can make as many submissions as you like once you've paid that. Entry rules and conditions are here.
I've been asked to be on the panel of judges for the adult novel category.
Judging criteria here.
Or ...
How do you fancy a whole weekend devoted to writing?
Would it help to know there is an amazing line up of authors, editors and agents?
That it will be held on the campus of the fabulous York University with en suite accommodation and all meals provided?
That the price for the full weekend (£345) also includes all events on the programme, your choice of workshops and 3 one-to-one slots where you can directly pitch your writing to a top agent?
That there is also a one day option (£145) or a mini course (£60) on the Friday?
If so, welcome to the Festival of Writing 2010 which will take place next April.
I've been asked to lead a workshop and, together with Emma Darwin, run the mini-course.
Tickets on sale from 1st November.
And ...
Hoovering the Roof, the anthology by members of the East Dulwich Writers' Group, is in the final stages before going off to print.
We have a launch event planned for Thursday 26th November at the Bookseller Crow on the Hill, my fave indie bookshop.
Details nearer the time.
As always, see my main blog for details re the above and much more.
Still working on my current WIP. It's first draft, so I have no idea how it's hanging together, but so far so good (I think).
Also busy working with the writers' group and various other projects (see below) .
I know many of you are as yet unpublished.
Just as I know that many of you are talented writers who deserve to be published.
One way to get recognition for your words is to enter competitions.
In which case, you might be interested in the Brit Writers' Awards Unpublished 2010.

There are adult and child categories for novels, short stories, poems and songs with a whopping £10,000 prize.
There is a one-off admin fee of £10.95 and you can make as many submissions as you like once you've paid that. Entry rules and conditions are here.
I've been asked to be on the panel of judges for the adult novel category.
Judging criteria here.
Or ...
How do you fancy a whole weekend devoted to writing?
Would it help to know there is an amazing line up of authors, editors and agents?
That it will be held on the campus of the fabulous York University with en suite accommodation and all meals provided?
That the price for the full weekend (£345) also includes all events on the programme, your choice of workshops and 3 one-to-one slots where you can directly pitch your writing to a top agent?
That there is also a one day option (£145) or a mini course (£60) on the Friday?
If so, welcome to the Festival of Writing 2010 which will take place next April.

Tickets on sale from 1st November.
And ...
Hoovering the Roof, the anthology by members of the East Dulwich Writers' Group, is in the final stages before going off to print.

Details nearer the time.
As always, see my main blog for details re the above and much more.
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